Europe introduces collective redress so victims can join forces to claim damages

The European Parliament confirmed today that EU consumers will have access to a collective redress mechanism in case they become victims of unfair business practices. Geoffroy Didier MEP, the Spokesman for the new collective redress rules, said: “The Dieselgate affair was not only about discovering a large scale fraud on costumers, but it also pointed out how much better Americans were protected compared to Europeans. This is what we are changing today.”
“The strength will be in unity. All customers who have been treated unfairly by the same company will be able to join a collective action in their country or in any other EU country. They will be able to join forces to stop or prevent unfair practices, or to obtain compensation or price reduction for the harm. All Europeans will thus have the same right to an easily accessible procedure to claim their rights”, added Didier.
The new legislation will also prevent abuse by business competitors. Geoffroy Didier explained: “The new mechanism will not be there for competition fights or for slanderous tactics. Only so-called qualified entities that conduct their business in a transparent way, such as duly registered consumer organisations, will be able to initiate a collective action. The aim of the new rules is not to encourage competitors, investors or large law firms to sue companies for the sole purpose of damaging them.”
“Europe must offer customers a protective shield. The new legislation will give consumers new rights which they can use in their daily lives”, concluded Didier.
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