Cohesion Policy post-2020: investments and solidarity in the context of the new EU budget

Cohesion Policy post-2020: investments and solidarity in the context of the new EU budget

A bridge being constructed around a mountain

The EPP Group held a public hearing on 'Cohesion Policy post-2020: Investments and solidarity in the context of the new EU budget', on Wednesday 26 September in the European Parliament, Brussels. The Co-Rapporteurs on the Common Provisions Regulation, and leading international organisations like Eurocities, CEMR and the EIB were there to answer questions on European integration and Cohesion Policy post-2020. The Croatian Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds participated at the hearing. How to improve the visibility of the European added value was presented by representatives of the European Commission and academia. How interregional cooperation should be adjusted to tackle the challenges of globalisation’s impact on European regional development, was one of the important subjects of the hearing. 

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