Clean Energy: we want ambitious and flexible targets for renewables and energy savings

”The creation of an Energy Union in Europe to provide citizens and businesses with secure, affordable and climate-friendly energy for the future is an important EPP Group priority. This is why we believe that ambitious, yet realistic and flexible targets on both renewable energy and energy efficiency is the way forward”, said Françoise Grossetête MEP, Chairwoman of the EPP Group Working Group on Economy and Environment before today’s vote on three clean energy legislation Reports.
The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables is crucial, but we must also ensure that it goes hand-in-hand with maintaining EU competitiveness and growth. The effective use of energy is one of the best ways to save energy and meet the ambitions of the Energy Union in Europe.
“We support a goal of 35 percent of renewables in energy consumption at EU level in 2030. And we are also in favour of a 35 percent increase in energy savings at EU level; we have to be ambitious but keep enough flexibility to adapt to the progress of technologies”, Grossetête continued.
We are establishing a framework for Member States to draft national energy and climate plans with the purpose of keeping track of the progress made on the multiple goals in the Energy Union.
“But if we want to deliver the 2030 targets and beyond, it is necessary to give the market some room for manoeuvre to make long-term investments in new and efficient technologies as opposed to the top-down and outdated inflexible planning favoured by some political groups”, she said.
If we want to deliver the 2030 targets and beyond, it is necessary to give the market some room for manoeuvre. Françoise Grossetête MEP
She pointed out that great achievements within the field of renewable energy and new technologies that we have seen in parts of Europe are not the result of rigid regulation, but of competition in the market and well-designed incentive structures. We need to continue to build on that same logic.
The three Reports voted today are vital pieces of legislation which will help us create new jobs in Europe and meet our obligations under the Paris Agreement.
EPP Group Spokespersons:
Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources: Seán Kelly MEP
Energy Efficiency: Markus Pieper MEP
Governance of the Energy Union: Gunnar Hökmark MEP and Angélique Delahaye MEP
Note to editors
The EPP Group is the largest political group in the European Parliament with 217 Members from 27 Member States
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