Ageing Population: a clear strategy needed to prevent debilitating diseases in older women.

10.10.2012 14:30

Ageing Population: a clear strategy needed to prevent debilitating diseases in older women.

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"Information and prevention, accompanied by research, are key elements for a strategy which should involve all policy-makers, in particular national and European Institutions, industry associations, media and local authorities. The aim should be the dissemination of strategies in terms of prevention in order to promote virtuous behaviour to accompany healthy and active ageing and good health for all", said Roberta Angelilli MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Rapporteur of the Report 'Prevention of age-related diseases of women' which was approved this morning by a very large majority in the Women's Rights and Gender Equality Committee of the European Parliament.

The EU's population is ageing to an ever greater extent as a result of low birth rates and rising life expectancy. As regards the population segment aged over 65, there is a gender imbalance: out of more than 87 million in the EU27 in that age group, 50.6 million are women.

Despite increased longevity, older women tend to have a significantly higher incidence of debilitating diseases and the development of progressive disability than men of the same age.

The main risk factors, which have to be viewed in terms of their interdependence, are high blood pressure, high blood sugar, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking, being overweight or obese, high cholesterol, and, in women's cases, the hormonal changes caused by the menopause.

"The EU can play an important role in areas such as employment, social protection and inclusion, public health, information society and transport, but the main role belongs to national, regional and local governments, as well as civil society and social partners", pointed out Roberta Angelilli MEP.

The draft Report is the result of a very successful EPP Group Hearing and reflects the EPP Group's commitment to the issue.


Note to editors

The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.

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