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24.01.2018 18:08
Following their visit to to Orhei to the Republic of Moldova last week, four Members of the European Parliament Fulvio Martusciello MEP, Stefano Maullu MEP, Alberto Cirio MEP, Salvatore Domenico Pogliese MEP, made a statement :
Avviso importante
Le opinioni espresse qui sono quelle della delegazione nazionale, che non riflettono sempre quelle del Gruppo nel suo insieme
Following their visit to Orhei to the Republic of Moldova last week, four Members of the European Parliament Fulvio Martusciello MEP, Stefano Maullu MEP, Alberto Cirio MEP, Salvatore Domenico Pogliese MEP, made the following statement : “We deeply regret the malicious manipulations by the Shor party and the press regarding our last visit to Moldova. This visit to Moldova was conducted in our private capacity and does not represent, in any way, the European People’s Party’s (EPP) intention nor wish to express support or to work with Ilan Shor or with the Shor party.The use of the visit by the media - controlled by the Shor party and the ruling party - to attack the opposition, shows a desperate attempt to discredit the EPP, the centre-right opposition in Moldova and to misguide the public opinion. ”
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