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Our Working Group on External Policies plays a critical role in shaping the European Union's Foreign and Security Policy. The Group is responsible for preparing reports on how European funds are used, and it supports the European Parliament in decisions related to international agreements. Our efforts have contributed significantly to the EU's success in securing its external borders, and we remain committed to working towards the establishment of a European Defence Union and visa liberalisation.
In addition to these efforts, the Western Balkans region is a top priority for us. We aim to bring these countries into the EU by encouraging reforms that promote the rule of law, combat corruption, and ensure an independent judicial system. We believe that such reforms are essential for creating stable, prosperous societies in the region and fostering lasting peace and security in Europe as a whole.
Chair - WG External Policies
To take a global leadership role on foreign policy issues, the EU must strengthen its ability to speak with one voice. This includes moving from unanimous to majority decision-making on foreign affairs issues.
We believe that Europe must actively advocate for human rights, democracy, and the fundamental principles of the EU in all its policies that have an external dimension, including development, migration, security, counter-terrorism, enlargement, and trade.
Europe should continue to strengthen its security and move towards a true Defence Union. We also need to prioritise energy security in Europe and prevent energy being used as a political tool.
The transatlantic partnership, a longstanding pillar of post-WWII peace based on shared common values and interests, is facing an important number of challenges and disruptions in the short term, but the long-term fundamentals remain strong and the cooperation between the EU and the US, as like-minded partners, remains crucial – a multilateral system of free and fair trade.
We want the EU to continue its commitment to eradicating extreme poverty by 2030, with the EU remaining the lead global development assistance provider. The EU should prioritise assistance to countries with a record of good governance, respect for democratic principles, and human rights.
We aim to build a global trade system that is as open and fair as possible, one that would allow Europe to build political links and create new jobs in its exporting industries. The EU should continue to build free and fair trade agreements that safeguard its high standards in areas such as consumer, environmental, social, and data protection like those with Canada or Japan, as a way to open markets, spur growth, alleviate poverty and create opportunities for Europeans.
The EU must continue building tailored partnerships in the European neighborhood, based on the "more for more" principle, and strengthen democratic processes and the rule of law. We must also help stabilise these regions and bring them closer to Europe, while withstanding Russia's continuous attempts to destabilise our neighbours and restore its influence over former Soviet countries.
Enlargement has been one of the EU's success stories. We should continue to judge each candidate country on its own merits while paying attention to the full respect of the Copenhagen criteria and the EU's integration capacity, which it must strengthen. The EU must also reform its internal decision-making processes to meet the challenges of a bigger Union and new geopolitical challenges.
In conclusion, we stand by the Thessaloniki commitments, especially in South-East Europe, where we want to create the right preconditions for enlargement. By implementing these policies, the EU can become a true global leader in foreign policy issues.
Deputy Secretary-General and Director, External Policies - Policy Adviser for Central America, Andean Community, Mercosur, Mexico and Chile and EuroLat Delegations
Press officer for Foreign Affairs, Development and for Poland
Press officer for Foreign Affairs and for Greece
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