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Our traineeships offer a unique opportunity to learn about how the European Parliament works and get practical knowledge on the functioning of our political group. Throughout their traineeship, trainees are supervised by an Administrator from our Secretariat.
Five months paid traineeships
We offer five-month traineeships to EU citizens and candidates from associated and candidate countries. In addition, we also grant traineeships by way of derogation to a limited number of nationals from other countries.
This type of traineeship is addressed to young people who have a university degree or have completed three years of study (at least six terms) at a university or an equivalent institute of higher education.
The EPP Group covers the cost of living in Brussels with a monthly allowance of €1.500.
Unpaid, short-term traineeships of a maximum length of 3 months (when the traineeship is compulsory in the framework of the university studies)
This type of traineeship is addressed to university students who have not yet completed at least six terms at university and when the traineeship is a compulsory part of their studies. This has to be justified by a letter provided by the university. The EPP Group can offer a limited number of this type of traineeship.
Moreover, the EPP Group has a compulsory, primary sickness and accident insurance for trainees. All trainees get to attend one plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
As an equal opportunities employer, we encourage applications from young people with disabilities.
For both paid and unpaid traineeships, you can apply as long as:
If you are interested in applying for a traineeship, just complete our online application form.
Important note: Please note that you will need to prepare some documents in advance, such as letters of recommendation and copies of diplomas as those will have to be attached to the application form.
For details, please consult the Calls for Interest for trainees below.
You can find further details about the EPP Group’s traineeships in the Rules.
Praktikat puudutavate küsimuste korral kasutage palun alltoodud meiliaadressi:
* Järelepärimised otse meie töötajatele jäetakse läbi vaatamata.
Praegu ei ole meil ühtegi avatud osalemiskutset. Palun tulge hiljem tagasi.
Traineeships period:
Deadlines for applications.
Spring traineeship
15 November 12:00 CET
Candidates will be informed about the outcome of their application.
15 December
Traineeship start
Traineeships will start.
beginning of February
Autumn traineeship
15 May 12:00 CET
30 June
beginning of September
To strengthen the Group's campaigning organisation, especially in the area of social media communications and in the organisation of the Group's campaigns and events. It is composed of the Social Media Unit and the Events Unit.
To provide operational support for the Group's activities in the fields of ICT, HR, and Finance.
To coordinate the work of the Parliamentary Committees and plenary activities, such as legislative and non-legislative reports, amendments, resolutions, etc. It comprises the Legislative Coordination Unit, WG Economy and Environment, WG Budget and Structural Policies, and WG Legal and Home Affairs.
To ensure that the legislative initiatives and political objectives of the EPP Group are communicated effectively to the Brussels press corps, European media, interested stakeholders and the public. It is divided into the European Press Unit and the National Press Unit.
To develop and implement the Group's outreach to the broader network of the EPP family and enhance contacts with the National Parliaments and Young Members Network. It comprises the EPP Group Network Unit and the Intercultural and Religious Dialogue Unit.
To ensure the preparation of the work of the political organs of the Group and the European Parliament. The Group's archives are included under this Directorate.
To organise the work of the Group's Committees and Inter-parliamentary Delegations in the field of external policies and to assist members of the EPP Group in their activities within the Inter-parliamentary Delegations.
Meie noortele parlamendiliikmetele mõeldud programm Noor Erasmus Young Member’s Network (YMN) kannab kahte eesmärki: tuua kohalikud ja Euroopa taseme poliitikud kokku ning luua noorte poliitikute võrgustik Euroopa tuleviku edendamiseks.
Programm võimaldab sõsarerakondadel näha, kuidas EP töötab ning kuidas luuakse EL seadusi. Osalejad veedavad ühe nädala Brüsselis, töötades koos noorte EP saadikutega kindlaid teemasid jälgides. Nad võtavad osa fraktsiooni ja komisjonide koosolekutest ja täiskoguistungitest ja kohtuvad otsustajate, valijate ja meedia esindajatega. See on ainulaadne võimalus jagada mõtteid ja luua isiklikke kontakte.
Kui oled huvitatud, kirjuta:, ja võtame sinuga ühendust.
Programmis osalejale kaetakse majutuse ja reisikulud.
Meie teadustöö stipendiumi eesmärgiks on aidata neid teadustöö tegijaid, kes uurivad kristliku demokraatia ajalugu, rolli ja mõju Euroopa intergratsioonis. Pakume stipendiumi korra aastas ning juurdepääsu EL arhiivile Firenzes, ERP fraktsiooni arhiivile Brüsselis ja/või Konrad Adenaueri fondile (KAS) Sankt Augustinis, Bonni lähistel.
Kui soovid kandideerida, siis esita oma avaldus enne juuni lõppu, juuli lõpuks anname teada, kas oled vastu võetud. Valituks osutud saavad kulude katteks 5000 eurose stipendiumi.
Kui soovid meie iga-astase stipendiumi kohta rohkem teada: Postgraduate Research Grant(s) on Christian Democracy and European Integration.
You applied, and what is next?
We will contact you as soon as possible to inform you about the admission to the traineeship based on the above-mentioned criteria. Above is an indicative timeline of the traineeship selection procedure.
Equal opportunities
The EPP Group is an equal opportunities employer committed to diversity and creating an inclusive working environment. We encourage applications from qualified women and men who fulfil the job requirements, regardless of their age, race, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, sexual identity or any other characteristic.
Personal Data
The EPP Group ensures that applicants' personal data are processed in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, particularly as regards their confidentiality and security and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC.