An urgent appeal to the Vice President of the Iranian Parliament Ali Motahari for immediate release of Dr Mohammad Taheri
Oluline märkus
Siin esitatud rahvusdelegatsiooni seisukohad ei pruugi alati kattuda fraktsiooni kui terviku seisukohtadega
On the basis of the information we had the opportunity to gather, it is our opinion that Dr. Mohammad Ali Taheri (born 1956) is not a political leader or engaged in opposition activities. He has legally founded a psychological institute which advocated fostering physical and mental health, based on achieving harmony between the spiritual and material aspects of life. Mr. Tahiri's teaching and methods (Interuniversalism) became popular among tens of thousands of Iranians. We are worried that during five years of confinement, he has been accused of apostasy, insult to saints, undermining national security, etc. - accusations that in all probability have nothing to do with reality. Mr. Tahiri's death sentence was based on a law that was adopted three years after his first detention in 2010, casting serious doubt on the credibility of these accusations.
Dr Mohammad Taheri has served six years and five months in prison, in which five years were spent in solitary confinement. despite that, he still faces an uncertain future. In fact, he has been kept in prison five month after his sentence expired on February 17, 2016.
At the end of his prison sentence, the judge in charge of Dr Taheri’s case issued a temporary two month imprisonment order against him which is renewable by the judge at his discretion although there is currently no formal prison sentence nor case against Dr Taheri.
We, the undersigned, ask for the immediate release of Dr Taheri who has served his confinement, paid an additional penalty and has been pardoned by the Supreme Leader. We see in his unconditional release a proof that as far as Iranian authorities apply equal and fair treatment to all of Iranian citizens, they can be trusted also as international partners who live up to their commitments.
Tunne Kelam, MEP
László Tőkés, MEP
Sean Kelly, MEP
Lars Adaktusson, MEP
Christian Preda, MEP
Gunnar Hökmark, MEP
Algirdas Saudargas, MEP
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